New Music I'm Suppose to Like #1

Evan Gruzis (ink painting!!!)

I’ve decided to start an irregular but frequent post about new music that I’m suppose to like, that I may or may not in fact in like, and that you may or may not in fact like. According to who am I suppose to like this music? Friends, fellow DJs, music blogs, music pools,, and subculture magazines like Tokion, Nylon, and Anthem. I’m just relaying the message. You decide for yourself.

To give you a better idea of what the hell I am talking about, a past post about new music that I’m suppose to (and may or may not) like would include music by Santogold, The Black Kids, The Twelves, Kid Cudi, Steed Lord, and Danger. I am not recommending that you like these bands, I am just recommending that you check them out and decide for yourself if you like them (or not). Are you confused? Me too. On with the show….

Lismore (Italian pop / French pop / German pop )
Fan Death (no myspace description)
Little Boots (Pop / Italian pop / Disco House )
Heartbreak (Electro / Italian pop / Powerpop )
Trouble Andrew (Crunk / Punk / Surf )
Pin Me Down (Pop / Electronica / Rock )
Autokratz (Electro / Indie / Melodramatic Popular Song )
The Shoes (Pop )
College (Electronica / Pop )

If you do like some of the bands I’ve posted, let me know. Market research.

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3 Responses to New Music I'm Suppose to Like #1

  1. Shift Operations says:

    i’m partial to “veronica’s veil”, by fan death.

  2. sarah nicole says:

    little boots… yes.everything else… ohmygod i am so old i have no idea.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Little Boots is the best of the bunch, great stuff.

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